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Get all the details on who did what when, and how well they did it.
Every course taken, every test question submitted, every second spent - we track it all and make it available through certificates, spreadsheets, and automated reports.
CarriersEdge automatically tracks every course start, page visit, test question submitted, and a lot more, making it easy for you to get the info you need, when you need it. With customizable filter options, you can pull reports by date, course, driver, and a variety of other criteria.
But it's not just summary information. We get right into the details, allowing you to see every answer submitted for every test question, where people were when they did it, and exactly how long they spent on it as well. You'll never wonder why someone failed a test, or how much time they spent on it - our reports are very clear about what's going on, every time.
All those details can also be consolidated into status and trend reports as well, making it as easy to see the overall picture as it is to drill into specific results. See compliance by location or manager, track assignment progress, and get overall status at a glance.
Analytics reports help identify the subjects causing the most trouble for drivers, but we take it a step further and show you who’s affected and where they're getting tripped up. Next time you have a driver meeting, you'll know exactly who needs to be there and what needs to be covered.
Having access to detailed performance data is great, but not if it's trapped in a system so you can't use it anywhere else. We make it easy to pull out the results and reporting you need so you can use that information however you need to.
All completed courses generate both full-size completion certificates and wallet cards. Each wallet card can be configured to require signatures and show expiry dates. And all of them can be printed, emailed, or exported to Excel in batches.
Just as important, you don't need to pull those certificates immediately when the course is finished. All records are kept for all time, so you can go back and get those certificates later, even if the driver is long gone and the account is deleted.
For reports that are used regularly, we streamline the workflow even more by allowing you to save and schedule custom reports. Want each dispatcher to get a monthly report on training activities for their drivers? Easy! Need an annual report to show how much training was completed, by board or customer? Just as simple. Weekly summary for payroll? You can do that, too.
With scheduled reports, you set the parameters, specify the schedule, and that's it. We take care of the rest. Reports run as you define and the results are emailed to the recipients you choose. Quick and easy to configure, but hugely powerful and a massive time saver.
The first thing a government agency asks during a safety audit is about training practices. With CarriersEdge, we're able to easily access information on each of our drivers that shows what training they've been assigned and what's been completed. It's helped us stay organized with documenting training. Equipment: Dry vanCategory: Midsize fleet, regional, OTR We can show proof of training delivery, and CarriersEdge makes that easy with their platform. Equipment: FlatbedCategory: Midsize fleet, OTR
The first thing a government agency asks during a safety audit is about training practices. With CarriersEdge, we're able to easily access information on each of our drivers that shows what training they've been assigned and what's been completed. It's helped us stay organized with documenting training.
Equipment: Dry van
Category: Midsize fleet, regional, OTR
We can show proof of training delivery, and CarriersEdge makes that easy with their platform. Equipment: FlatbedCategory: Midsize fleet, OTR
We can show proof of training delivery, and CarriersEdge makes that easy with their platform.
Equipment: Flatbed
Category: Midsize fleet, OTR