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Even the best drivers can fall into the trap of complacency, or forget things they're not using regularly. With regular refresher training, you can keep those hot topics top of mind more easily. The CarriersEdge course library is full of content covering a wide range of subjects, and our learning management system makes it easy to select, assign, schedule, and track activity across different driver groups.

Set up an entire year's worth of refresher training in a few minutes, and have it automatically appear on your schedule. Use analytics reports to identify subjects needing review and assign refreshers by driver group, terminal, customer or any other category you like.

Once that training is assigned and completed, our detailed reporting makes it easy to review the results and plan follow-ups as necessary. Our Put It Into Practice™ activities give you a range of subject-specific follow-up ideas so you can keep the learning going both online and off.

Keeping drivers fresh in all the areas that are critical to their success can seem like a complicated job, but CarriersEdge gives you the tools to simplify it. With a variety of content, easy management, detailed reporting, and follow-up activities, your drivers will stay fresh, and you'll be able to rest easy.

Commonly used features

Online course catalog

Online course catalog

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Icons on pillars in front of laptop with course window

Put It Into Practice™

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View activity reports

Reporting on activities

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Training management tools and language options

Training management tools

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